10th Annual Tour De Tahoe – Bike Big Blue – Ride to Cure Diabetes, Sunday, September 9th

The Reno Tahoe Territory of the Nevada Commission on Tourism and Bike the West invites you to experience the adventure of riding your bicycle around her 72-mile shoreline by participating in the 10th Annual Tour de Tahoe – Bike Big Blue.

Bike the West has been producing America’s Most Beautiful Bike Ride – Lake Tahoe for the past 20+ years and has gained a reputation as being one of best Spring rides in the country. It continues to sell out year after year leaving many riders not able to participate. This is your chance to ride around Lake Tahoe at Summer’s end offering fresh mountain air, incredible scenic beauty, great food & entertainment and managed and supported by one of the most experienced bicycle event management teams in the West.

Ride to Cure Diabetes

This year, Tour de Tahoe is proud to continue to be the premiere bicycling event for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation in their National Fundraising Program. For more information on joining their team, please visit www.ride.jdrf.org.

For additional information: Bike the West

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