Lake Tahoe, Incline Village & Crystal Bay real estate statistics

  • Lake Tahoe, Incline Village & Crystal Bay real estate statistics

So far 2013 has proven to be a great year for real estate sales in the Incline Village & Crystal Bay. Property sales increased considerably in all property categories. Residential home sales had a 55.04% increase compared to the same period in 2012.
Median Sales price significantly increased compared to the previous two years.
Condominium sales also had a big jump in 2013, with a 33.65% increase compared to 2012.

Our real estate market doesn’t show any signs of slowing down, so we should expect record numbers in real estate sales in the yearly report.

Below you’ll find “Sold” property data for Incline Village and Crystal Bay real estate market, both located on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe, Nevada. The charts show three categories of properties: Residential, Condominiums, Town homes (Planned Unit Developments).





Please note that the reports above were created using data extracted from the MLXChange System and reflects property sales starting January 1 through October 1.

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