Lake Tahoe, Incline Village real estate sales broken down by property type for the first half of 2011

  • Lake Tahoe, Incline Village real estate sales broken down by property type for the first half of 2011

This is the 2011 MLXChange report for real estate sales in Incline Village, Nevada for the first six months of 2011 and then compared to the sales that took place in the same period of 2010 and 2009. The report is broken down in 3 segments, Residential sales, Condominium sales and Townhome sales.

To access all the Incline Village and Lakeshore Realty listings please click here. You can also contact us by email or call us at 775-831-7000. If you are in Incline Village, please visit us at 954 Lakeshore Blvd. Incline Village, NV 89451.

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