Mobile Media and its Impact on Real Estate

Lakeshore Realty takes full advantage of Mobil Media to help buyers and sellers.

A sign on a property is considered a small but effective step to advertise a property, brochures which give details, the most critical, price helps buyers determine if they want to see the property.

What’s the next step? Having this property and all others in the neighborhood available to buyers through their phones.   Adding a simple application such as Zillow, Trulia and Smarter Agent to name a few, buyers can pull up other listings in the neighborhood and get all the data they need to make the decision to call for more information and a showing  or gathering more information about the area. 


        The number of consumers using mobile technology is growing daily: 276.5 call phone subscribers   in the United States (80%) of the population.

        20% of households do not have landlines phone

        20% growth is predicted for mobile broadband predicted from 2008 by 2010

        24/7 information available to consumers

        Tracking leads and capturing inquiries is easy for consumers and for agents to react immediately

        Consumers prefer mobile contact- texting is very popular and many clients utilize this media to communicate followed up by the Internet.

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