North Lake Tahoe Real Estate 2012 Sales Reports

2012 was an amazing year when it comes to the Lake Tahoe real estate market. The Incline Village and Crystal Bay real estate market saw a consistent increase in the number of home sales this year and the key driver for this was an extremely low sales price.

Lakeshore Realty sold 117 properties this year for a total of $92,239,875, and continues to be one of the leading real estate companies in the North Lake Tahoe area.

Below you’ll find “Sold” property data for Incline Village and Crystal Bay real estate market, both located on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe, Nevada. The charts show three categories of properties: Residential, Condominiums, Town Homes (Planned Unit Developments).

2012 Sales by Property Type

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2012 Residential Home Sales Report

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2012 Condominium Sales Report

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The “Median Sales Price” in 2012 was one of the lowest in the past decade in this real estate market, and was the leading factor for reducing the real estate inventory. The monthly charts show us that the past summer was the turning point; in July of 2012 the “Median Sales Price” for residential homes was at $585,000 and for condominiums was at an amazing $167,500. In these conditions, homes tend to stay less time on the market and sellers will get offers very close to the asking price.

In 2013 we will have to see if the home prices are going to increase, as they did in the past 3 months, and see in what way the country’s fiscal situation will affect home sales.

To access all the Incline Village and Lakeshore Realty listings please click here. You can also contact us by email or call us at 775-831-7000. If you are in Incline Village, please visit us at 954 Lakeshore Blvd. Incline Village, NV 89451.

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