Other Benefits of Living in Nevada

The Great State of Nevada is Considered one of the Most Tax-Friendly States in the U.S.


State income tax: None

State Sales tax: 6.85%

Gas taxes and fees: 34 cents per gallon

The Silver State is one of nine in the U.S. that impose no income tax. Median property tax on Nevada’s median home value of $165,300 is $1,423, according to the Tax Foundation.

Food and prescription drugs are exempt from the state’s 6.9% sales tax, but counties may tack on up to 1.3%. The average combined state and local sales tax rate is 7.9%.

In addition to sales taxes, vehicle owners are charged an annual “government services tax” that’s based on the vehicle’s value and age. Tax on a two-year-old vehicle with an original sticker price of $20,000 would be $238.


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