There is a New Scool in Tahoe, Tahoe Expedition Academy

  • History of TEA

Tahoe Expedition Academy was founded in January of 2011, when courageous parents and talented educators collaborated to create an adventure-based, experiential learning school for children in the Lake Tahoe Basin. The energy and momentum these individuals generated gave teachers, parents and students alike an opportunity to take education a new direction in the area – one that combined high-level academics with character building, nature and hands-on exploration and discovery. Along with devoted faculty, dedicated Board Members, generous families, eager students and a partnership with Expeditionary Learning, the school opened in September of 2011, with 72 students in PreK-8th grade.

Proposed Future Lakeside Campus 

Building Details

  • Will include 15 classrooms; a Performing Arts Center, Recreational Opportunities, Waterfront Interpretation Center with systematized community access
  • Will protect the property in perpetuity for educational purposes
  • Will serve up to 250 primary and secondary school students
  • Will provide a world-class educational program, which includes rigorous academics, adventure based learning and community stewardship driven programs


Expeditionary Learning has designed and refined an approach that engages and energizes students, teachers, and district and school leaders.

Student benefits

  • Energizes student motivation and engagement through high-level tasks and active roles in the classroom
  • Uses case studies and projects to connect students to real-world audiences and compel them to care and contribute
  • Sets clear expectations and tight follow-through for respect and responsibility, teamwork and contribution, and commitment to high-quality work
  • Builds a school culture where students feel safe, respected, and pushed to be their best selves
  • Trusts students with deep cognitive challenges and important responsibilities and prepares them to be leaders
  • Develops the critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to succeed in college and beyond

Teacher benefits

  • Employs professional development that is active and immediately useful in instruction
  • Respects teachers as professionals and develops their growth as leaders
  • Catalyzes improvement in new and veteran teachers
  • Addresses standards with structures that recognize and use teacher judgment and creativity
  • Understands that the most important assessment practices occur daily in the classroom
  • Provides concrete models of strong student work and teacher work to guide practice
  • Builds a collaborative community of practice within the school, in the EL network, and beyond

District and school leader benefits

  • Builds capacity across the full range of existing teaching staff
  • Integrates structures for assessment and data-informed practice that teachers and students understand and embrace
  • Utilizes carefully articulated data analysis to guide priorities for improvement
  • Maps state standards to an engaging curriculum and active classroom instruction
  • Provides working models of effective schools and leaders as well as a network of professional support
  • Renews job satisfaction and job commitment for strong teachers
  • Engages parents, community leaders, and experts in support of student learning
  • Connects schools to community issues through project-based learning and service
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