Martis Valley Development

Developers for a specific plan north of Lake Tahoe are confident in getting final approval from Placer County supervisors later this summer.

That confidence, though, comes after the county’s planning commission recommended denying Martis Valley West earlier this month. Commissioners cited concerns about traffic and evacuation plans in the 5-2 vote.

Blake Riva, managing partner for Martis Valley West developer Mountainside Partners, said in an emailed statement Tuesday that the project is a good one.

“The Martis Valley West Project reflects a truly unique combined conservation and development plan that relocates future development to an area adjacent to existing development, significantly reduces the amount of allowable development and serves to complete a remarkable conservation vision,” he said. “We believe the project should be approved based on its merits.”

Martis Valley West would have 760 homes and 6.6 acres of commercial development to serve those homes on land west of Highway 267 and near Northstar Village. Last fall, Mountainside Partners announced an agreement with conservation activists to drop another 600 homes from the plan and preserve 6,376 acres east of 267 from development.

But the project still had opponents. County planning commissioners continued a hearing in June on the project after they were persuaded by opponents that some matters needed further study and review. The 5-2 vote against the project and its final environmental impact report was on July 7.

County officials have not yet set a date for county supervisors to vote on Martis Valley West and its EIR. Recommendations from the planning commission are given weight but are not binding on supervisors.


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